Nahid Zohari
Florist & Handcraft Artist
Nahid started her career as a florist designer in early 70’s in Tehran. She took a flower arrangement course in Tehran and was trained by Ghazaal Khalatbari, after completion of her course she worked as a florist and wedding designer in Tehran for some years and participated in various flower exhibitions. In Mid 70’s she went to England and took an advanced flora design course thereafter she worked as florist trainer in Iran until mid-80’s when she moved to Stockholm-Sweden. In Stockholm she worked for various flower shops and hotels as florist designer and participated few times in Swedish/European Florist competition, thereafter in early 90’s she opened her own first flower shop in Stockholm and worked until 2012 when she was retired. However due to her love for flowers, she still works time to time as florist coach and handcraft artist.
Approved trainer and inspector of Cavendish International